While OMA's sketched out futuristic conceptual designs to robotically construct a medical outpost/oasis in the Martian deserts (https://youtu.be/YlpYdLh0N58?feature=shared), avant-garde architects and roboticists at the London-based studio Foster + Partners, and at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, are conducting experiments that could lead to interlinked swarms of ground-based and aero-robots co-building life-shielding hemispheric domes and human habitats across Mars - all before the first astronauts touch down. (https://article.domusweb.it/en/news-en/aero-robots-to-build-utopian-oases-across-twin-planets/) AI-enhanced robots of the future will assemble increasingly sophisticated structures along the regenerated orange-red beaches of Mars, and might begin cloning the architectural Wonders of the World back on Earth. Hubble Deep Field image courtesy of ESA/NASA, Starships courtesy of SpaceX and Elon Musk, OMA Star-scraper photo and image composition by Kevin Holden Platt, enhanced via Adobe Firefly AI image engineering toolkit