SpaceX founder Elon Musk mused during a 2023 International Astronautical Congress talk (https://youtu.be/pm7TyQs5Adc?si=zqyfJBiENbg8JA0w) that after creating a Marsbase, his expanding flotillas of Starships will begin exploring the outer sectors of the solar system via planet-hopping, sending robotic crews in advance of astronauts to set up way stations on the ocean moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and then "ultimately all the way out into the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud." Starships courtesy of SpaceX, Webb Telescope image of Saturn in infrared courtesy of NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, M. Tiscareno (SETI Institute), M. Hedman (University of Idaho), M. El Moutamid (Cornell University), M. Showalter (SETI Institute), L. Fletcher (University of Leicester), H. Hammel (AURA), J. DePasquale (STScI), image enhancement by Kevin Holden Platt via Adobe Firefly AI image engineering toolkit